
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Kevin Owens

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Style Power

Size: M(101% / Body 117% / Arm 95% / Hand 98% / Leg 95%)

Head: 454(1st row 10,6,5/15,9,6/22,13,9/25,16,12/29,20,15/31,24,20)(2nd row 0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3) (10,6,5/3,2,2/5,4,1/4,4,0)
Layer 1: Pulled Back(3,4,2/4,2,1/2,2,0/3,1,0)
Layer 2: Nose Ring(9,0,0/7,0,0/9,1,0/9,1,0)

Chest: Male M
Layer 1: Wrestling(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)
Layer 2: Hero(0,0,0/1,1,1/0,1,12/19,0,3)(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)
Layer 3: Collar 2(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)

Waist: Male L
Layer 1: Boxer(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)
Layer 2: Ninja Suit(0,0,0/18,2,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(0,0,0/1,1,1/0,2,16/3,3,3)
Layer 3: Boxer Side(19,19,19/23,23,23/27,27,27/31,31,31)(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)

Upper Arm: D
Layer 1: Scars(17,11,8/24,15,11/25,16,12/6,7,5)(17,11,8/24,15,11/25,16,12/6,7,5)
Layer 2: Tattoo 1(17,13,8/23,15,10/12,7,3/15,10,10)(17,13,8/23,15,10/12,7,3/15,10,10)

Lower Arm: S
Layer 1: Wrist Bands(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)
Wrist: Gloves (0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)

Thigh: Male L
Layer 1: Leather(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)
Layer 2: Boxer(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(8,8,9/8,8,9/20,20,20/31,31,31)

Calf: M
Layer 1: Tights 1 (0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)
Layer 2: Shoes (0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(19,19,19/23,23,23/27,27,27/31,31,31)

Feet: Striped(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(2,2,2/4,4,4/6,6,6/8,8,8)


  1. oh my god, this is the most perfect Steen/owens I've ever seen on FPR. You're Great!

  2. could you please try Braun Strowman, the black sheep and face of destruction of the Wyatt Family?

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