
Saturday, October 12, 2013

CM Punk

Click for Template

Style Strong

Size: M(97% / Body 105% / Arm 80% / Hand 95% / Leg 95%)

Head: 387(1st row 8,4,1/13,7,3/20,11,6/23,14,9/27,18,12/29,22,15) (2nd row 0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(2,1,0/3,1,0/4,2,0/7,4,0)
Layer 1: Pull Back (2,1,0/3,1,0/4,2,0/7,4,0)
Layer 2: Beard (13,7,3/20,11,6/20,11,6/23,14,9)

Chest: S

Layer 1: Body Paint (6,6,6/9,9,9/4,4,4/14,14,14)(6,6,6/9,9,9/12,12,12/14,14,14) Layer 2: Kaiser (10,10,10/13,13,13/27,18,12/27,18,12)(20,11,6/11,10,11/27,18,12/25,16,12)
Layer 3: Thunder (20,11,6/9,9,9/27,18,12/9,11,12)
Waist: S

Layer 1: Stars (0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(16,15,7/23,21,9/27,24,12/27,25,16) Layer 2: Wrestling(13,7,3/23,14,9/27,18,12/29,22,15)(13,7,3/23,14,9/27,18,12/29,22,15)

Upper Arm: S
Layer 1: Dogi (13,7,3/11,11,10/8,8,8/27,18,12)
Layer 2: Flames (23,13,9/13,13,13/27,18,12/11,13,14)(23,13,9/9,9,9/27,18,12/9,11,12)

Lower Arm: M
Layer 1: Arm Pads (23,13,9/13,13,13/27,18,12/11,13,14)(24,24,24/27,27,27/29,29,29/31,31,31)
Layer 2: Scars(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)
Wrist: Gloves (24,24,24/27,27,27/29,29,29/31,31,31)

Thigh: M

Calf: M
Layer 1: Knee Pads 2(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)
Layer 2: Shoes 1(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)
Layer 3: Leg Guard(2,0,1/8,2,1/10,5,2/15,7,3)

Feet: Guards (0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(2,0,1/8,2,1/10,5,2/15,7,3)(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)


  1. A thousand thank you's Stu!! You continue to show why you are the boss of FPR!

  2. Hey, great job. I looked at the template so I could make this, but I think you may have the wrong head listed. It's not 387.

  3. I figured out the problem. The head you used is number 397. There's a glitch in the game that has 397 mislabeled as 387 (thus, there are two 387's).

  4. I'm begging for a Kevin Steen, Adam Cole & The Young Bucks. PWG's Mount Rushmore!!
