
Monday, August 13, 2012


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Style Strong

Size: M(97% / Body 107% / Arm 98% / Hand 97% / Leg 97%)

Head: 464(1st row 8,5,4/14,8,5/22,13,9/25,16,12/29,20,15/31,24,20) (2nd row 19,19,19/23,23,23/27,27,27/31,31,31)(21,20,11/31,25,21/31,30,24/31,31,26) Layer 1: Mane 6 (24,20,17/31,25,16/31,30,19/31,31,25)
Layer 2: Ribbon (25,16,12/31,0,0/26,1,0/31,1,0)

Chest: M
Layer 1: T-Shirt (0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)

Waist: L
Layer 1: Camouflage(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(19,19,19/23,23,23/27,27,27/31,31,31)
Layer 2: T-Shirt (0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)

Upper Arm: M
Layer 1: Dogi T-Shirt (0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)

Lower Arm: S
Layer 1: Wrist Bands (19,19,19/23,23,23/27,27,27/31,31,31)
Layer 2: Elbow Pads(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)

Wrist: Bare

Thigh: M
Layer 1: Dogi (19,19,19/23,23,23/27,27,27/31,31,31)
Layer 2: Camouflage(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(19,19,19/23,23,23/27,27,27/31,31,31)

Calf: M
Layer 1: Ninja (0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(19,19,19/23,23,23/27,27,27/31,31,31)
Layer 2: Camouflage(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(19,19,19/23,23,23/27,27,27/31,31,31)
Feet: Boots (0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(19,19,19/23,23,23/27,27,27/31,31,31)(19,19,19/23,23,23/27,27,27/31,31,31)

1 comment:

  1. Nice Sandman there! Do you think that you could try ECW'S Amish Roadkill and for other ones try current WWE Superstars like Ryback and "The Intellectual Savior of the WWE" Damian Sandow? That would be really nice.Thank you so much.
