
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mr. Perfect

Click for Template

Style: Tech

Size: M(Head 101% / Body 105% / Arm 101% / Hand 100% / Leg 103%)

Head: 110(1st row 11,5,5/17,7,6/22,11,9/25,13,11/26,17,14/28,20,17)(2nd row 0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(18,17,11/25,23,14/30,26,17/29,28,21)
Layer 1: Long 3 (23,21,11/30,26,14/30,26,17/29,28,21)
Layer 2: Pony Tail (18,17,11/25,23,14/30,26,17/29,28,21)

Chest: M
Layer 1: Wrestling (23,22,10/29,28,10/31,31,12/31,31,12)(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)
Layer 2: Shoulder Pad (0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(23,22,10/29,28,10/31,31,12/31,31,12)

Waist: M
Layer 1: Leather (23,22,10/29,28,10/31,31,12/31,31,12)(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)
Layer 2: Sumo Tights (23,22,10/29,28,10/31,31,12/31,31,12)

Upper Arm: M

Lower Arm: M
Layer 1: Wrist Bands (19,19,19/23,23,23/27,27,27/31,31,31)

Wrist: Bare

Thigh: M
Layer 1: Briefts (23,22,10/29,28,10/31,31,12/31,31,12)(23,22,10/29,28,10/31,31,12/31,31,12)

Calf: M
Layer 1: Shoes 2 (19,19,19/23,23,23/27,27,27/31,31,31)(19,19,19/23,23,23/27,27,27/31,31,31)
Layer 2: Lace 2 (19,19,19/23,23,23/27,27,27/31,31,31)(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)
Layer 3: Knee Pads 2 (0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)

Feet: Laced (0,0,0/1,1,1/2,2,2/3,3,3)(19,19,19/23,23,23/27,27,27/31,31,31)(19,19,19/23,23,23/27,27,27/31,31,31)


  1. Perfect! I think...

    For the thigh's Briefs layer, does the yellow color also apply to the fourth color bar? The template only says to apply it to the third color bar. It matched the pic perfectly after making that adjustment, which made for the perfect edit.

  2. Yeah, I fixed it. Thanks for pointing it out.

  3. Thank you! That is by far the best Mr.Perfect I have seen, way better then the one I had before....
